Affordable Treasures for Everyone

If you’re looking for an extensive array of antiques, collectibles, crafts, and home decor at reasonable prices, you’ve come to the right place! Our everyday prices are very reasonable, but sometimes our dealers choose to offer extra savings. Visit Treasures Under Sugar Loaf today to take advantage of the current sales listed below!

Dealer JAR


10% Off

Damascus Knives


Dealer specialty is ceramic tile coasters, Damascus Knives, crystal suncatchers, misc

Dealer RAF


50% Off Everything!


Dealer specialty is assorted collectibles

Dealer ALJ


20% Off Everything!

(Excludes sports cards)


Dealer specialty is Fenton Glass

Dealer MMM



20% off bundle over $50!

Dealer specialty is vintage kitchenware

Dealer CT2

50% off Christmas/Holiday Mugs labeled TGR

Dealer specialty is sports clothing and candles

Dealer DJ

40% off Items with Pink Sticker on Price Tags (3rd Floor)

Dealer specialty is assorted antiques & collectibles

Dealer BD5

20% Off

Items Over $10!

Dealer specialty is assorted antiques & collectibles

Dealer JFJ



50% off red dot items!

Dealer specialty is decorative dishes and glassware

Dealer JJ


20% Off Everything!

Dealer specialty is assorted antiques & collectibles

Dealer GLE



      10% off items under $25!

      15% off items over $25!

       20% off Lamps!


Dealer specialty is vintage and antique lamps, pottery, glassware, seasonal decor

Dealer JPS



50% off everything!

Dealer specialty is home decor

Dealer 409


10% off Marilyn Monroe dolls and Christmas items!

Dealer specialty is Marilyn Monroe and automotive items

Dealer 126

25% off everything!

Dealer specialty is assorted vintage glassware and dishes

Dealer CAP

Buy 4 Candles, Get 5th One Free!!

Dealer specialty is Candles, Primitives, Hand Painted Decor